The IFC will convene the 3rd Annual World Interfaith Harmony Month in the DMV. In support of the U.N. resolution aimed at spreading “the message of interfaith harmony and goodwill . . . based on Love of God/of the Good and Love of Neighbor”, the IFC and its collaborating partners will present a month of programming to coincide with the annual worldwide observance during the month of February 2022.
For more about World Interfaith Harmony, click here.
Figel Event for Ecumenism: The Hope of Pan African Peoples and the Contradiction of Visible Unity Deferred: “Ubuntu” as a Vision for Christian Unity
Sponsored by Washington Theological Consortium
Ecumenical Prayer Service (6:00) lead by the Consortium Student Board, followed by a stirring presentation (6:30) by Dr. Angelique Walker-Smith Senior Associate for Pan African and Orthodox Faith Engagement at Bread for the World, discussion (7:25), and an outdoor reception (weather permitting). In-person event with virtual option.
Thursday, February 3rd
6:00-8:00 PM
Register here
Wednesday, February 9th
7:00 PM via Zoom
Registration open soon
Scriptural Reasoning
Sponsored by Rumi Forum
A scriptural study on Qur’an, Gospel and Hebrew Bible
Thursday, February 17th
7:30 PM ET
Registration open soon
This program will explore the nature of global nationalism and its specific manifestation in the U.S. Our keynote speaker is Dr. Mark Juergensmeyer, who has been studying this trend for over thirty years. Dr. Juergensmyeyer’s remarks will be followed by a panel of diverse faith leaders sharing their views on building interfaith solidarity to resist the White Supremacist Christian ideology threatening our nation. There will also be small group break-out sessions for interpersonal dialogue. This program is a forum for people of faith to learn, become activated and feel equipped to respond together effectively. Sponsored by the Interfaith Leadership Forum.
Thursday, February 24th
6:30-9:00 PM ET via Zoom
Registration open soon
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