Refresh Your Spirit Through Nature

Contributed by Michael Goldberg, the Baha’i Community In 1945, delegates from all over the world met in San Francisco to establish the United Nations. On May 19, they traveled to Muir Woods to honor the memory of President Franklin Delano Roosevelt. President Roosevelt believed in the value of national parks as sources of inspiration and […]

Freedom’s Edge, a Poem

By Yerusalem Work You stood castle-high, singing on the midnight-moonlit balcony Your voice reached across the vast, star-scattered skies Tears poured from my eyes You left a palace to address the issue of contentment You gave us light—a messenger of the messengers My thoughts took flight The height of a hummingbird, the rhythm complete with […]

St. Thomas’s Share Garden

Contributed by Stephen Wickman, St. Thomas Episcopal Members of St. Thomas Episcopal (a founding congregation of Tysons Interfaith) have created a vegetable garden. We are delighted that our garden is starting to yield fresh produce that we are delivering to SHARE of McLean, which is housed at another Tysons Interfaith congregation, McLean Baptist Church. Our […]

Blessed are the Peacemakers (Part 2)

Contributed by Dr. Trish Hall, Center for Spiritual Living, Metro The International Day of UN Peacekeepers is May 29.  In this two-part series, Dr. Trish Hall explores the concepts of peacekeeping and peacemaking, and the importance of “being peace” in our world. In the days following the Hamas attack on Israel on 7 October 2023, […]

Blessed are the Peacemakers (Part 1)

Contributed by Dr. Trish Hall, Center for Spiritual Living, Metro The International Day of UN Peacekeepers is May 29.  In this two-part series, Dr. Trish Hall explores the concepts of peacekeeping and peacemaking, and the importance of “being peace” in our world. Do you have the courage to live your values even when confronted by […]

Another Daily Lift – “No such thing as ‘all by myself’”

Contributed by:   Susan Posey, Redeemer Lutheran, McLean Many people set aside time in their day for prayer, reflection, or meditation, and there are so many wonderful resources for this type of daily grounding.  One such resource is the Daily Lift, a daily audio reflection provided on-line by the Christian Science Church. This week, I was […]


Contributed by Stephen Wickman, St. Thomas Episcopal, McLean I’ve just been introduced to al-Ghazali, a perceptive medieval Islamic scholar, who among other things looks at the old adage that patience is a virtue. His exploration of the subject is featured in an on-line article authored by Northeastern Professor Liz Bucar on the website The Conversation.  It […]

An Earth Day Theme:  “Inextricability”

Contributed by:  Dr Trish Hall, Center for Spiritual Living, Metro Photo:  SEWA International Volunteers Working in McLean Hamlet Park on April 6 Isn’t “inextricability” (incapable of being disentangled), a great word?  Simply, we cannot get away from one another.  The effects any of us have on the environment – on everyone and everything – affect […]

Lenten Talk:  Mary’s Pain

Contributed by Stephen Wickman, St. Thomas Episcopal, McLean Sometimes, when I have trouble sleeping, I listen to the BBC.  A recent segment entitled Mary’s Pain, a Lenten Talk offered by Dr. Selina Stone, touched me deeply. Dr. Stone uses the period of Lent to come to terms with grief and loss she experienced in the […]

Faith Lived Out

Contributed by Stephen Wickman, St. Thomas Episcopal, McLean “The mind is involved in religion, but in more subtle ways. Christian traditions have many objects, rituals, and gorgeous buildings that create a spiritual atmosphere that helps the heart along. Judaism is perhaps the most embodied religion of all, requiring hundreds of specified obligations and actions governing […]