Center for Spiritual Living™ Metro
Center for Spiritual Living Metro is holding all gatherings on Zoom.
Sunday Service 10:00 AM
Sunday Meditation 9:15 AM
Weekday Meditation 8:00 AM
To access these gatherings, click here


Emmanuel Lutheran Church

Emmanuel Lutheran Church
9am Sundays and 7pm Wednesdays at


McLean Baptist Church
Sunday Morning Worship Live Streamed at 11am
Wednesday Night Bible Study with Pastor Rob: Live Stream at 6pm


Evangelical Lutheran Church in America

Redeemer Lutheran will be holding limited in-person worship that can be lived streamed or viewed by video at a later time.
  9:00 am — Traditional Worship
  11:00 am — Contemporary Worship
Church announcements and bulletins can be found under the “News” tab.


St. Thomas' Episcopal Church

St. Thomas’ Episcopal Church
Live streaming on Sunday at 10am. YouTube


Temple Rodef Shalom

Temple Rodef Shalom is live-streaming Friday Night Shabbat Services at 6:30pm at
Click on “Live Stream”.
You can also access any of our prior services in the Archives section.

The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter day Saints

From the President of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.

5 ways you can watch April 2020 General Conference

Invitation to Pray and fast on Good Friday       Message of Hope


Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church has a brief worship on their website:


The Washington National Cathedral is broadcasting worship. You can find more information here:
