I attended a recent holiday choral concert, during which I was introduced to the principles of Kwanzaa (this year, December 26 through January 1, 2024). One of those principles is Nia – purpose. The Northern Virginia Chorale sang a beautiful hymn composed by Glenn Burleigh questioning our purpose as human beings created by God. I found the questions and conclusions of this hymn to be quite moving.
“Why was I born? Why was I born?
Was I born to feed hungry children, or to give shelter to the homeless?
Was I born to be my brother’s keeper, companion to the lonely?
I was born to love the Lord with all my heart, my soul, my mind, and strength.
If I love God I can love all people.
This is my purpose. Nia.
Why was I born? Why was I born?
Was I born to preach the Gospel, or to care for aging parents?
Was I born to help the unwed mothers or council the pris’ner?
I was born to love the Lord with all my heart, my soul, my mind, and strength.
If I love God I can love all people,
If I love all people, I can love God!
This is my purpose.
This is why I sing my song.
Nia, Nia, Nia.”
Preparation for and celebration of the December holidays is an opportunity for personal reflection and contemplation. I am asking “what is my purpose during this holiday time” and the larger question: “what is my purpose in life going forward?” This song suggests that loving God and loving all people is my purpose.
This blog post is the expressed opinion of its writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of Tysons Interfaith or its members.
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