An Interfaith Gathering Blessing
Contributed by Rev. Dr. Trish Hall, Center for Spiritual Living, Metro
As the daily news bombards us with images of war and natural disasters, and anxiety attendant to the upcoming Presidential election swirls around us, I invite you to take a moment to consider the following blessing that I shared at a recent interfaith gathering. I believe this benediction lifts up the values so many of us share, and I hope brings you a renewed sense of purpose and peace.
Gathered as our varied faiths, we share our deepest hope to be of service to a transforming world and our common dream of:
- Homes and schools where children thrive,
- Neighborhoods that are safe and clean,
- Cities rich in colors and cultures,
- An economy where no one is expendable,
- A beloved community where all people have the
opportunity for a dignified and productive life; and - A community in which all churches, mosques, synagogues, spiritual centers and temples are respected essential members
We give thanks for the blessings of the world community and turn our thoughts toward peace and inclusiveness as we dedicate our hearts and hands to unconditional love and commit to creating and sustaining thriving inclusive and peaceful communities, now.
Salaam, Shalom, Namasté, Ashanti, Amen and So it is.
This blog post is the expressed opinion of its writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of Tysons Interfaith or its members.
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