How has your faith community responded to the challenges of the year 2020 to meet the needs of your congregation/faith community, the larger community and our nation and world?
The following blog post is the expressed opinion of its writer and does not necessarily reflect the views of Tysons Interfaith or its members
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer, McLean
November, 2020
Pastor Sandy Kessinger
Lutheran Church of the Redeemer
1545 Chain Bridge Road
McLean, VA 22102
Church Office: 703-356-3346
Email: church@redeemermclean.org
COVID-19 has changed our way of living, but it has not stopped us from being able to do the things that are essential for the work of the church – worship, Biblical studies, faith formation (Sunday School), and engagement in our community and world. It seems like the virus will be with us for the foreseeable future so we are making decisions that will enable us to stay safely connected and active in real and powerful ways.
Sunday Worship
On August 23, 2020, we held our first In-Person Sunday Worship since March 8. It was wonderful to see everyone even if from a safe distance. Each Sunday, we offer in person and living streaming of the Traditional Service at 9 am and the Contemporary Service at 11 am. Attendance at each service is limited to thirty people, and masks are required for the safety of all. To sign up to attend a service, live stream a service, or to view it later, one can visit our website: https://redeemermclean.org/home
Biblical Studies
We are offering our members many options to be engaged in the Word this fall via Zoom. These include: weekly Bible Studies; an on-going faith conversation on prayer based on the book, Prayer (Does It Make Any Difference?) by Philip Yancey; Table Talk (Adult Study) – a lively discussion group that meets at 10 am on Sunday mornings to discuss issues of faith and life in the contemporary church; and Faith Formation (Sunday School), Confirmation, and High School Faith Formation groups. Sound interesting? Give us a call!
Redeemer Preschool and Redeemer Renaissance Day Programs
Both the Redeemer Preschool and Renaissance Day School programs have resumed operations in accordance with guidelines issued by the CDC and Virginia Governor’s’ office. We believe that continuation of these programs is an important ministry for the children and families of our community, particularly in the COVID era. Both programs currently have a waiting list, but additional information can be found at https://rlpmclean.org/ and http://afterschool.redeemermclean.org/afterschool/ .
Making a Difference in our Community and World
Redeemer is a collection site for SHARE of McLean, which continues to see a high demand for assistance during the current Pandemic https://www.shareofmclean.org/. In addition we provide support to Britepaths https://britepaths.org/; Lutheran Social Services https://lssnca.org/; and Lutheran Disaster Relief, which provides assistance to those whose lives have been impacted by disasters in the US and around the world https://lssnca.org/.
Redeemer is a founding member congregation of an active participant in Tysons Interfaith.
For Love of God and Neighbor (Anti-Racism Ministry Team)
The current climate of our nation has brought together a group of Redeemer members to discuss how best we, as a congregation, can become involved in efforts to resolve the many injustices our neighbors are experiencing, especially people of color. These conversations are on-going. We are committed to doing all that we can to bring about a more just society.
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