MLK Day is the only federal holiday designated as a national day of service to encourage all Americans to volunteer to improve their communities.
Showing compassion/serving can come in many forms. It can be as simple as reaching out to someone you have not talked to in a long time, checking on an elderly neighbor, or buying lunch for an overworked medical professional.
If you are interested in MLK Jr. Day projects on a larger scale, here are a few ideas that were shared in my church’s monthly newsletter:
Potomac Stewards Cleanup — river cleanup at Four Mile Run and at Jones Point Park. www.eventbrite.com/e/potomac-stewards-cleanup-martin-luther-king-jr-day-of-service-tickets-37495579287?aff=es2
Arlington County
Volunteer Arlington — make meals, assemble winter care packages, clean up parks, assemble children’s blankets for homeless shelters, learn about hunger and affordable housing, etc. volunteer.leadercenter.org/2022-mlk-day-service
District of Columbia
City Year — projects at three schools in the H Street NE corridor. www.cityyear.org/dc/events/mlk-day-of-service/
Washington National Cathedral — a virtual event for families; will include a sermon by Martin Luther King Jr’s granddaughter Ms. Yolanda Renee King. cathedral.org/event/remaining-awake-a-service-in-observance-of-dr-martin-luther-king-jr-day/
Fairfax County
Volunteer Fairfax — event is geared toward elementary-aged kids and their parents with various service stations. www.volunteerfairfax.org/events/mlk-jr-weekend-of-service-2022/
Potomac Stewards Cleanup — river cleanup at Turkey Run in McLean. www.eventbrite.com/e/potomac-stewards-cleanup-martin-luther-king-jr-day-of-service-tickets-37495579287?aff=es2
Reston Community Center — three days of activities: concerts, packing of lunches, outdoor cleanup, and a special activity for 1st-6th graders at RCC Hunters Woods. www.restoncommunitycenter.com/attend-shows-events-exhibits/2022-mlk-celebration
Falls Church Chamber of Commerce — “March for Social Justice, Unity, and Racial Healing” begins at the Tinner Hill Monument in the area where African-American families bought land after the Civil War and whose descendants established the first rural branch of the National Association for the Protection of Colored People. www.fallschurchchamber.org/events/details/3rd-annual-martin-luther-king-day-march-for-social-justice-unity-and-racial-healing-01-17-2022-32569
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