Our Oneness series continued on
Sunday, October 1, 2023
Have you ever hesitated to enter a conversation with someone because they are “different” or their views are “different”? Have you felt fear or felt they needed to be “fixed”?
In this workshop, you will have the opportunity to learn and practice interpersonal communication techniques that Rev Trish Hall, founder of Way2Peace and spiritual leader of Center for Spiritual Living Metro, will be introducing. You can use them to bridge all gaps: with people who are new to you or as close as family members … with anyone who holds different views than your own. You will leave as a Peace Builder able to be with people of divergent perspectives to help narrow the polarization gap.
Link to YouTube recording.

with a presentation by
Register at Eventbrite
The Zoom link for this event will be emailed to registered attendees within 48 hours of the event.

Our Oneness series continues on
Sunday February 5, 4:00 – 5:30 pm
A workshop for communities of faith on the challenges faced in rebuilding and reconnecting post-pandemic
Our conversations that day were centered around these questions:
- What does your faith family look like now?
- What successes has your community had in reconnecting with others?
- Where have you encountered challenges?
- What might we work on together as an interfaith community?
This program is part of Interfaith Harmony Month in the Greater Washington DC Metropolitan Area. Each February, in support of the United Nations resolution aimed at spreading “the message of interfaith harmony and goodwill . . . based on Love of God/of the Good and Love of Neighbor,” the Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington and its partners celebrate Interfaith Harmony Month in the metropolitan area. To see a full listing of programs of the Interfaith Council of Metropolitan Washington , please visit: ifcmw.org/

Our Oneness series continued on
Wednesday, September 21, 2022 at 7:00 pm
In Recognition of the International Day of Peace
Building Peaceful Communities
Promoting Mutual Respect: A Call to Action
- We learned ways to be a peacemaker
- We learned language and practical skills to promote peace
- We learned to recognize virtues in others to build/repair relationships and foster mutual respect
Breakout rooms and small group discussion were facilitated by:
Dara Feldman, a passionate educator, international speaker, author, coach and consultant who is deeply committed to social justice. She is a Virtues Project Master Facilitator, Chief Enthusiasm Officer, and Board Chair of Virtues Matter. She is the author of The Heart of Education: Bringing Joy, Meaning and Purpose Back to Teaching and Learning.
Dara was honored as Disney’s 2005 Outstanding Elementary Teacher of the Year and Maryland’s 2015 Mother of the Year.
Follow the links below to view the Zoom recordings:
Video – Part 1
Video – Part 2

SUNDAY, JUNE 12 3:30 – 5:00 P.M.
Lewinsville Presbyterian Church and Redeemer Lutheran Church of McLean are sponsoring a series of virtual panel discussions on “Pathways Out of Poverty in Northern Virginia.” The goal of panel discussions is to explore policies, programs, and individual actions that can help low-income and vulnerable NOVA residents improve their livelihoods.
Registration Link
This fourth event of the series examines ways of easing reentry for justice-involved individuals and their families. The event will draw on the experiences and knowledge of panelists from state government and NGOs including the Virginia State Crime Commission, the Virginia Coalition Against Human Trafficking and Opportunities, Alternatives and Resources.
Pathways panel discussion series topics include:
• EASING REENTRY – June 12, 2022
Note: Videos of previous events can be found at:
* (Affordable Housing) youtube.com/watch?v=X-gMvIXqu-I
* (Financial Empowerment) youtube.com/watch?v=LOYKKDG2rbU&t=15s
* (Job Preparedness) youtube.com/watch?v=zjl6xyMYmvQ

Our Oneness series continues
Sunday, April 3, 2022 at 4:00 pm
ONLINE EVENT (register below)
All are invited to Pause for Peace
About this event
Just imagine if you invited everyone you know to invite everyone they know to “Pause for Peace” … just stop what they are doing for maybe 1 or 2 minutes (or more if they choose) and consciously choose to be peace. Their worlds will be transformed, and in the process, our whole world will experience a shift. Peace will prevail.
You are invited to immerse yourself for an hour in Prayers and Meditations for Peace from an array of traditions as we collectively raise the consciousness of the world to Peace.
The audio from this event is available below.

Our Oneness series continued on Sunday, February 13, 2022
Imagine trying to enroll your children in school, rent an apartment, set up a bank account or establish internet service having left your documents behind when you fled. Even if you have your records, many “basic services” require proof of employment, so how do you get a job? There are many challenges.
It’s not nearly as simple as you may think.
Learn from individuals who have been working with evacuees from Afghanistan to get settled in the U.S. Get answers to your questions about how you can help.

Sunday, January 16, 2022
Tysons Interfaith (TI) coalition members Lewinsville Presbyterian Church and Redeemer Lutheran Church of McLean are jointly sponsoring a series of virtual panel discussions on “Pathways Out of Poverty in Northern Virginia.” This second event of the series addresses financial empowerment.
To register go to the following link: us02web.zoom.us
ABOUT THE EVENT. This Pathways panel discussion event examines one of the key barriers to escaping poverty in Northern Virginia: financial illiteracy, how poor borrowing practices and low credit scores limit the capacity of low-income residents to access everything from affordable housing and first-time home-owner mortgages to small business loans and consumer credit, and too often entrap many borrowers in a cycle of indebtedness from which they find it difficult to escape. The event will also illustrate how some organizations are transforming lives through financial mentoring and coaching to build money management skills.
The event features Anamarie Lusardi, Founder and Director of the Global Financial Literacy Excellence Center at the George Washington University School of Business; Maria Jose Cantoni, Director of the Financial Empowerment Center in Fairfax County, a division of Britepaths, Inc.; and Donna Snyder-White, Vice President for Financial Empowerment at StandByMe (UnitedWay/Delaware). Irene Foster, Professor at the George Washington University, will moderate the discussions and facilitate attendee Q&A.
ABOUT THE SERIES. The goal of the series is to understand the barriers – and to explore policies, programs, and individual actions that can help remove the barriers – to upward mobility facing our NOVA region’s low-income residents. Other Pathways topics include:
- Accessing Affordable Housing – October 2021
- Free Community College Technical Training – March 2022
- Expungement Of Misdemeanor Convictions – May 2022
- Accessing Affordable Child Care – June 2022
Additional information about the panel discussions, ZOOM event links, and recordings of past sessions are available at: www.lewinsville.org or redeemermclean.org